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Enquête BMO 2019 Martinique
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Last Updated | March 12, 2025, 16:31 (UTC) |
Created | April 19, 2020, 15:03 (UTC) |
LinkedDataSet | false |
Picto | d4c- |
bbox-east-long | |
bbox-north-lat | |
bbox-south-lat | |
bbox-west-long | |
contact_mail | |
custom_view | {"title":"Projets recrutements par m\u00e9tier","slug":"Projets recrutements par m\u00e9tier","icon":"tachometer"} |
date_dataset | |
date_moissonnage_last_modification | 2020-04-24T16:38:24.845186 |
default_visu | 1 |
disable_fields_empty | 0 |
display_versionning | 0 |
donnees_source | |
dont_visualize_tab | |
edition_security | {"roles":["administrator"],"users":["*85*","*87*","*1*","*86*","*88*","*89*","*93*","*94*","*105*"]} |
features | api,analyze,table,custom_view |
frequence | |
label_theme | Marché du travail |
mention_legales | |
nb_download | 00000005 |
nb_views | 00000243 |
producer | |
records_count | 0000000035 |
source | FTP/SFTP |
spatial | |
territory | |
theme | marche_du_travail |
themes | ["marche_du_travail"] |
tooltip | {"type":"standard","value":{"title":"","fields":"_id,metier,projets_de_recrutement,difficultes_dans_le_recrutement_,emplois_saisonniers"}} |